Monday, May 3, 2010

Post 5: The Influence of the Media

It has been proven that the media influences how society views issues and it shapes how people purchase goods. This influence can be both positive and negative; there are always going to be two sides to every debate. As clearly shown in the article ‘In France, Sex Sells – Even in Anti-Smoking Ads’ written by Bruce Crumley/Paris, the media in France with an anti-smoking ad has negatively influenced people who viewed it, especially children. On the contrary, ‘Mass Media Influence on Society 84’ describes how mass media influences society, but what society chooses to view is the core of what they’re exposed to and therefore what they’re influenced by.

Crumley/Paris discusses a particular anti-smoking ad that depicts youth with a cigarette in their mouths on their knees before an adult male. This ad created great controversy due to the sexual message that accompanied the message. This form of media is exposing children and is said by Crumley/Paris to be borderline with child pornography. This is one of those instances where a good thought is present, but taken to the extreme and gone wrong.

The mass media is proven to influence society by what is ‘cool’, what to buy regarding clothing, all products, where to live, what to participate in, and much more. Also, anorexia and obesity are influenced by the media due to all of the promotion of junk food. Elections are influenced by the media right along with political decisions. This article describes all of the ways the media influences all members of society and how wide-spread the media is regarding all of the forms of it.

After reading these two articles, my opinion of the media has remained constant. I believe that the media influences everyone in numerous ways, but it depends on how society views the media and what they are exposed to, by what they choose to view, that influences how they think. The anti-smoking ad only amplifies my beliefs that some forms of the media should never be seen by the public eye.

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