Monday, March 8, 2010

Response 1: Brenna's Blog

I have recently read Brenna's Blog 'Post 2: "Real" food vs. "fake" food'. In this, she discusses the differences between eating an all-natural diet vs. a diet consisting of processed foods. Her example of Skippy peanut butter and the healthy version vs the natural version of the product and the cost, taste, and texture differences seemed to be very relevant to the arguments provided not only by herself but by Michael Pollan as well in his book, In Defense of Food. The link provided to supplied various examples of processed and natural foods available for consumers to choose from.

I agree with both parties on this issue. I believe that the healthier options should be chosen, but as Brenna points out, the consumer has the ultimate choice in what they consume in the end.

“If people want to eat their low-fat foods, let them.”
I feel as if though Brenna looked at both sides of the argument and then formed her opinion based on her life experiences. This provided a strong opinion on her side of the topic, but she did not put many details into her post regarding the opposing side of the argument.

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